"See you later, alligator," a memorable quote that is made even more memorable when it is said by Hadi Subiyanto, who played Ketut Liyer, in the book-adaptation Eat Pray Love. The way he pronounced it with Indonesian accent is very funny. Eat Pray Love, which is directed by Ryan Murphy and produced by Plan B Entertainment, owned by Brad Pitt. Julia Roberts portrayed Elizabeth Gilbert, the real writer of the book and also the one who experienced the journey.
Elizabeth Gilbert, or Liz, is a successful writer who loves to travel. One day, on a job to interview Indonesian herbalist (or 'dukun' in Indonesian.) named Ketut Liyer, he told her that she will have two marriages, the short one, and the long one. And also, she will lose all of her money, and finally, she will come back to Bali and teach him English. Then, it returned to New York where she lived, when she started to have trouble with her marriage with Steven (Billy Crudup) until she decided to leave and embarks on a journey to find her true self. The first country she visits is Italy, where she learns to enjoys life and find the pleasure of eating. After that, she went to India, to experience the spiritual life in an ashram. Along the way, she met a lot of new friends who help her to finding who she really are. Finally, just as Ketut Liyer predicted, she came back to Bali. In Bali, she also met a struggling single parent named Wayan (Christine Hakim) because that in Balinese tradition, if you're divorced you will be an outcast, leave you with nothing.
The actor and actress who stars in the movie done their job well. Especially for Julia Roberts. And also I found myself enjoying the cinematic view of the old city of Rome, the uniqueness of India, and also the beauty of Bali Island (well, I already see Bali many times, since I'm Indonesian.) How they managed to catch the scenery is just perfect.
Despite all of that, I feel kinda empty after watching this. I keep thinking why they must make it for more than 2 hours? If the story is like that, there is absolutely a waste to make it that long. I expect for the depth of the story, but for me, for 2 hours long the story is too shallow.
And maybe it will not attracts us who come from Mars. This movie is really for the one who come from Venus, as it is revolves around them. But if you want to enjoy the cinematography, you maybe find it interesting.
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